I am a mompreneur.

Balancing Mom Life and Business.

Join me as I share my journey to find the balance between building a business, being a mom and prioritizing my health & wellness.
Caribbean posh
Brunsnwick Jamaica
Rotaract Pos West
Regus Trinidad
Sagicor Trinidad

What Do I Do?

I can help you in this particular areas.

Building A Business


True Growth Caribbean is my brain child, est 2019. I continue to build a platform that serve women regionally and internationally as they navigate their self discovery journey.

True Growth Caribbean

I am a Trauma Informed Mindset Coach. I help women do the inner work needed to gain confidence, overcome trauma and learn to reconnect to themselves. Group Coaching, 1:1 Coaching, Corporate Training & Guest Speaking are the baseline of my services.

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Balancing Mom Life


This has been such a journey. There's no right & wrong way to do this job. Mommying did not come with a manual. I have chosen the route of exposing her to some of the ins & out of business.

Finding the Balance

Being a digital entrepreneur in the middle of a pandemic while homeschooling a little one has required personal systems, support & experiments. I will share what this journey is like.

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Prioritizing Health & Wellness


There's so much depth behind you can't pour from an empty cup. The more life demanded of me the more this has become a priority for me.

Health & Wellness

As my business grew and my daughter required more from me I felt the effects of not taking care of my body. My decision to prioritize my health and wellness gave me the energy boost I needed.

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Happy Clients
1 +
Live Self-Care Sessions
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— About Me


Being a business owner was not a part of the plan.

At the end of 2018 I hired a life coach because a part of me felt like there was more to my life. Soon after I launched my foundational guided journal called the Just For You Journal.

It was the start of my business and the system was the cornerstone of my coaching practice.

In 2020 the pandemic hit and I was forced into digital entrepreneurship.

As my brand expanded, online school began and life began feeling extremely difficult. There was a need to deepen my self discovery journey, connect to my intuition and experience further transformation. 

I was honoured to support more than a 100 women in 2020, start my fitness journey and expand a brand that is much bigger than me.

I am happy to share my wins & losses with you as I take you along the journey.

Letina Mata

Years of

What did this community have to say?

Hear out what my clients say about me.
"I've been thinking so much about our session I can't wait to listen to the recording again. I feel like I had some crazy breakthroughs after it. Like i always knew the right steps but there was a disconnect and then it just clicked when you told me about accepting ourselves"
Delara Tabari
Canada - VIP Client
"I really appreciate this morning's session. It was a lightbulb moment for me. I thought reparenting invalidated my parents' work on my life. I couldn't deal with that. It felt like I would be disrespecting them. This explanation makes so much sense and allows such grace. Also that explanation of conditioning. The "if you" to be validated that does not allow us to accept ourselves in the present. I was on tears. I firmly believe you are doing God's work. Thank you for answering your calling. Thank you for your service. I pray that you are richly rewarded and are blessed beyond your imagination. You deserve it.."
From Journal Live Session
"I just wanted to thank you. You've been such a help to me to stay focused and shifting my perspective. I finally took the step in taking my business more seriously and I've received outpouring of love from places i didn't even expect and it would have only been possible because of you. Thank you for impacting my life. Everything is not perfect, not by a long shot but i feel good. And i am doing better."
Trinidad - Intensive Client
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